When you run in the situation that you want to run all of your R scripts in a jupyter notebook, within a conda environment, you will have to take some slight detours to install non-conda R packages. This is assuming that you have already installed R and jupyter through conda. For information, checkout this awesome post . For an example, let's take a look at how one would install the ecodist package in R. We will need to pass in 3 arguments, (1) the name of the package, (2) the location of the conda R version and (3) the cran repository we will want to download from. install.packages('ecodist', '/Users/mortonjt/miniconda3/envs/bio/lib/R/library/', repos="http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu") So, just modify the path to your environment in the second argument, and you should be good to go :)